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Writer's pictureJason & Liz Sautter

How To Make Moving Less Stressful

When moving day comes around, most people will say they hate it. It’s likely the most stressful event you’ll ever encounter and time-consuming and expensive.

Moving to a new space or learning how to pack up an apartment isn’t as easy as you think. Going elsewhere opens up plenty of possibilities for a way of living and being who you wish to be. Therefore, you require a plan. Though you may never be excited about it, you can envision yourself in your new home, having a housewarming party, or enjoying the new community that first night.

Thinking about how you’ll live in the new location and getting excited about that will help you look forward to the new home instead of feeling stressed!

Tips to Make the Moving Process a Less Stressful Event

You’ll inevitably feel worried and stressed, a normal part of moving day. However, these tips can ensure you avoid stress and enjoy getting into your new home and away from the old house. Let’s learn more!

1. Create a To-do List for the Entire Process

To-do lists help with time management! Moving involves many steps; you’re not simply packing up the house. Instead, keep a notebook that lists what you should do before the moving day. Then, you can write things down as they arise; there are fewer last-minute issues.

Things to put on the to-do list include:

  1. Dropping off the old cable box

  2. Disconnecting the utilities at the old house

  3. Dropping off unwanted items at donation centers

You can also add those tasks to your favorite calendar program on your phone to avoid problems!

2. Use a Checklist

A moving checklist is a crucial method of reducing stress. They’re helpful when you must follow steps and take care of issues you usually forget. Plenty are available online, and many professional moving companies offer them on their websites.

3. Pack Only One Room at Once

When planning to move, looking at your belongings, such as the knickknacks, furniture, and other possessions, is overwhelming. Therefore, choosing one room at a time is better to reduce stress and reach your goal. You’ll stay organized and save more time when unpacking at the new address!

4. Start Packing Immediately

Many procrastinate when moving, but it’s wise to start packing items sooner. It’s not like you’re heading on vacation; it will take longer than you initially believe.

Start by sorting your items and packing what you rarely need daily. Grab some large storage containers and put labels on them with “keep,” “sell,” “toss,” or “donate.” You can put things in those tubs as you go through the closets and rooms.

Once you have a full box of “keep” items, label it quickly and set it aside. It’s also good to put where the box goes, such as “kitchen” or “bathroom.”

5. Focus on Labeling Boxes for a Stress-free Move

Most people don’t have a labeling system for the move, but they should. Ensure that it’s specific enough to avoid headaches and confusion later.

For example, you could end up with four boxes for the kitchen. You should put “kitchen 1,” “kitchen 2,” and so on. Then, grab a piece of paper to write what’s in each box. An alternative would be to take a picture of the contents, labeling it on your phone to avoid confusion later.

6. Plan Ahead

It’s wise to have a plan to avoid moving stress. For example, you might want to contact the new building manager and reserve the elevator for that day. Do it sooner to avoid issues later.

Overall, the worst thing you could do is begin packing everything on the day you move. Likewise, it would be best if you cleaned as you go. Once you empty the room of its contents, clean everything as best you can and try to avoid being in that space again.

The only thing you should do on moving day is physically take the boxes and furnishings from one place to the next. This is demanding enough, and you don’t want it complicated with wrapping, packing, and everything else.

7. Use Similarly-sized Boxes

Naturally, some things will be larger than others, but most of your belongings can be put in similar-sized boxes. It will make it easier to load the moving truck. Plus, if you’re putting some things in storage, you can rent a smaller unit because the uniform boxes will pack tighter and won’t use as much space.

8. Ask the Professional Movers to Put the Boxes in the Right Rooms

When you get to the new house, ask the movers or even your friends and family to put everything in the rooms listed on the side of the box. Don’t just put it all in the living room because you’ll have to sort it out later.

9. Choose the Right Move-in Date

Moving is expensive, and many people only hire movers for the heavy lifting. However, using the movers for everything is often more cost-effective if you pick the suitable date.

In this case, you’ll need a flexible schedule. However, avoiding the weekends will usually cost less, though it’s wise to contact various moving companies and ask about their cheapest days.

10. Get Help

Since moving is stressful, but you want to get into your new home quickly, it might be wise to hire a professional instead of relying on friends and family. Don’t overestimate your capability because you could end up in the hospital.

Likewise, you can ask for help for things unrelated to the move. For example, your family member might go grocery shopping for you after the big day because you’re tired. Give them a list and ask them to make moving less stressful. They’ll likely be glad to do it!

11. Make It a Game

It can be challenging to take countless boxes up and down the stairs all day long. Though getting an apartment on the ground floor or a one-story house could be a solution, you probably didn’t think of that when choosing what you liked.

Therefore, you have less patience now and wonder what to do to make it better. Put a positive spin on everything and make it a game. If you’ve got help, you can pretend it’s a fitness challenge or workout. Get competitive and see who can get more boxes out of the truck and up the stairs!

12. Pack Your Overnight Bag and Get Enough Sleep

Moving day will be a huge event, so it’s wise to get plenty of sleep beforehand. You should also eat well and focus on other self-care ideas, such as bathing. You’ll need energy for the job at hand!

Your life will also be a lot easier if you have an overnight bag ready to go. Make sure you put the essentials in there, such as medications, toothbrushes, PJs, and a few outfits. This can go in the car to avoid being put on the truck or getting lost in transit.

Some people also have another duffel bag ready with cleaning supplies, box cutters, trash bags, and the like. This can make moving easier because you know everything is there when you need it.

13. Take Breaks Frequently

Take breaks while moving, and remember to breathe. Even if you only have time for a few deep breaths, you’ll feel calmer and ready for the next step.

After the boxes are in the space, you might want to venture out into the new neighborhood. Go for a walk or simply sit outside on the porch and take in the sounds.

While you’re unpacking, you can also take breaks and see your new surroundings. This will help you meet new friends and like-minded people!

Hire Professional Movers to Reduce Moving Stress

Most people understand that the moving process is challenging. Sadly, it’s easy to add more stress than you realize. Overall, it would be best to focus on your new space and what it will feel like to be there.

Likewise, taking frequent breaks to enjoy the new surroundings while keeping everything organized with the tips listed here would be best.

Even if you have many friends and enough time to do it alone, hiring a professional is often better. Valet Moving Services in Round Rock has been making moving much easier for many clients and can do the same for you!

FAQs About Stress and the Moving Process

How Do I Reduce Stress When Moving?

Stress is a natural human response, but you can reduce moving stress by following the tips above. Take breaks, have a moving checklist, focus on your physical health, and stay organized.

Why Is Moving so Stressful for Me?

Moving could be stressful because you’re trying to tackle too many things simultaneously. Take one step at a time by creating a to-do list to make moving less stressful. Gather all the moving supplies, hire a rental truck, or even call professionals for this demanding circumstance.

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